What's in My Flower Farming Toolbelt

Dibber… my favorite tool of all!

June 1, 2022

Here are some of my favorite tools and helpful gadgets I use for my flower farming & florist business!

Please note that I do receive a small commission (like, 5 cents) from Amazon if you purchase any of these items through the links below. You should always shop around for the best price. I only recommend things I use myself!

Check out our other list: Our Favorite Resources for Vegetable Gardening: Books, Tools, Soil Amendments & Sourcing

Favorite Toolbelt / Gloves / Footwear

Carhartt Canvas Duck Nail Apron - I’ve had this same apron going on 8 years. I got a black one for setting up wedding floral displays because my farming belt got too grubby to wear in public. This is a Men’s belt, but it fits me just fine.

Garden Gloves - I’m not a huge glove wearer when I’m gardening, but I love these Carhartt gloves for pulling big weeds or working with large tools.

Merrell Hiking Boots - We all have our preferred brands for footwear β€” mine is Merrell. I like wearing their ankle β€œmid” height hiking boots for farm work. Merrell runs about a half size small, so order up.

Floral Snips / Pruners / Hand Tools

Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Snips - favorite farm snips for harvesting

Felco Pruners with Sheath - classic Felco pruners for heavier farm work, or harvesting

Japanese Floral Shears - favorite studio snips

Flower Farm Planting Tools & Supplies

AM Leonard Soil Knife in Leather Sheath - favorite digging tool

Stainless Steel Dibber - absolute favorite-ever planting tool, can’t live without it

6-inch Landscape Pins - these are our favorite brand of pins for keeping drip irrigation and landscape fabric in place

Colorful Tree Tags - for labeling individual dahlia tubers in the field

Garden Marker - the only permanent marker that will withstand UV sunlight, rain, snow, etc. This marker is an absolute necessity. Sharpies don’t cut it.

Knee Pad - must-have for planting! I drag it down the rows with me!

Things that keep us happy

Rose Face Wipes - wipes off the dirt and feels so refreshing on the drive home

RTIC Water Tumbler - actually keeps water cold for a very long time

Hydrocortisone Cream - necessary if you’re like me and everything gives you hives

SunBum SPF Lip Balm - it tastes yummy

AirPods - or their equivalent

Top tools for flower farmers - How to use a dibber garden tool - Tools for flower farming