Most Productive Dahlia Varieties

The most productive dahlia varieties vs the most beautiful dahlias to grow in the garden - Garden specimen plants - Unique dahlia varieties - dahlia tubers for sale online

Updated February 26, 2025

I grow dozens of varieties of gorgeous dahlias every year on my 1-acre flower farm in Burt, NY. After growing dahlias on a large scale for the past 7 years, I’ve come to know and love different dahlia varieties for a variety reasons.

Some dahlias are incredibly productive and well-suited for growing on the flower farm where I need tons of blooms every week to use in wedding work and to sell to other local florists. They’re the workhorses of the dahlia patch that reliably chug out endless amounts of blooms for the whole season.

Meanwhile, some dahlias are incredibly unique and beautiful and I grow them for that reason, whether they are productive or not. Some of these β€œbeyond beautiful” varieties end up in my home gardens just for the enjoyment of having them in my yard β€” and I don’t cut and use them at all! I love these dahlias because they bring interest and beauty to my garden and to be honest, they just make my life more joyful. What other reason do I need to keep growing them than that?

If you’re considering buying dahlia tubers this year, here is my list of most productive dahlia varieties vs. the most unique, beautiful garden specimen dahlia varieties.

I hope these lists might help you make some great decisions about which dahlia varieties you want to grow this year!

the most productive dahlia varieties

The criteria for the most productive dahlias include:

  • Tons of blooms over a long blooming period

  • Good tuber producers (they all grow lots of underground roots for splitting into new plants)

    I also have a list of Favorite Dahlia Varieties for Weddings where some of these varieties overlap.

the most unique dahlia varieties for growing in the garden

The criteria for these dahlias include:

  • Jaw dropping beauty

  • That’s it! (many of them are also good tuber producers)